Fellowships, Honors, Awards

Second Place Poetry in Touchstones. Won for "Sodomite." Awarded by Susan Elizabeth Howe (Spring 2024)

Honorable Mention for the Penrose Poetry Prize (2023)

First Place Poetry in Touchstones. Won for "On Wednesday, You Led Me." Awarded by Darlene Young (Fall 2023)

Second Place Poetry in Touchstones. Won for "How To Be Gentle." Awarded by Darlene Young (Fall 2023)

Fellowship for the New York State Summer Writers Institute. Studied under Campbell McGrath and Vijay Seshadri (2023)

First Place Poetry in Touchstones. Won for "Cardinal." Awarded by Richie Hoffman (Spring 2023)

Poetry Publications

"Poem Trying to Not Experience Gender Dysphoria." Furrow (forthcoming)

"Transplant." The Westchester Review (forthcoming)

"Figure as Organic." The Westchester Review (forthcoming)

"Game of the Saints." Prism Review (forthcoming)

"Ode to Mary Oliver." UVU's Art and Design Department 2024 Fine Art Book (forthcoming)

"By Then I Knew." Touchstones (Spring 2024)

"Sodomite." Touchstones (Spring 2024)

"At Worst, Man-ish." Whale Road Review (Issue #34)

"Lasting." Short Vine Journal (Fall 2023)

"On Wednesday, You Led Me." Touchstones (Fall 2023)

"How To Be Gentle." Touchstones (Fall 2023)

"It's Simple, Really." Watershed Review (Fall 2023)

"Friday Night, 2021." Watershed Review (Fall 2023)

"In Response to my Brother & Others." Queerlings Magazine (Issue #8)

"Poem Collaged Together From Real Conversations Had While On Dates With Girls From BYU." Prodigal Press (2023)

"Cardinal." Touchstones (Spring 2023)

"Verses I Consider Before Coming Out To My Father." Touchstones (Spring 2023)

"The Entirety Of It All." The Allegheny Review (2023 issue)

"How I Met Your Mother." The Allegheny Review (2023 issue)

"The Voyeur." The Albion Review (2023 issue)

"We Caught Grasshoppers in Small-Town Alabama." The Albion Review (2023 issue)

"Liturgy." Last Leaves Magazine (Issue #5)

"Parts." Last Leaves Magazine (Issue #5)

"Casual." Last Leaves Magazine (Issue #5)

"Death of a Gyne."Outrageous Fortune (Issue #12)

"A Late-Night Drive with my Father after Coming Out." Outrageous Fortune (Issue #12)

"The Lament of Bertha Mason." Outrageous Fortune (Issue #12)

Short Fiction Publications

"Snot-Nosed Kids." Warp & Weave (Fall 2022)

Online Article & Essay Publications

Regarding Autism Studies

"Systems for Success: Advice for Autistic College Students." The Organization for Autism Research's blog (2024)

Regarding Lesbian Studies

"Boston Marriages and the Language of Lesbian Relationships." LesbianHerstory.com (2022)

Solicited Readings

Read at the Prodigal Press Story Hour in Provo, Utah. Read with other Prodigal Press published writers. (December 2023)

Read at various Touchstones release parties. (April 2023, December 2023, and April 2024)

Other Fun Things

In April 2024, my poem "On Wednesday You Led Me" was featured on the educational podcast Critical Mass. This particular episode explores the benefits of funding the humanities in higher education spaces. Listen to it here. I was especially excited to learn that the episode is titled "An Overthought Narrative" which a phrase taken from my poem!

In 2023, my poem "Poem Collaged Together From Real Conversations Had While On Dates With Girls From BYU" was printed on flyers and put in Prodigal Press newsstands around Provo, Utah. Shoutout to the Prodigal Press graphic designers for designing the flyers. My poetry has never looked cooler!